Community Events

Consider attending these non-UPPA—but community-based and community-relevant—events!

UP Library March Book Sale

Friends of the UP Public Library invite you to join them at their new pop-up location in Preston Center for their Book Sale! Score great deals on Adult Fiction, Adult Non-Fiction, Classics, and Cookbooks as well as Children's books, games and puzzles.

The location is 4029 Northwest Parkway, between Jos. A Banks and Bibbentuckers.

Proceeds support the UP Public Library. See flyer (attached) for dates and times, or email Jackie Campbell at with questions.

UPPL “Meet Me at the Library” Event

Exercise class exclusive

promo for UPPA members!

One of our UP neighbors teaches at the new O2 Dallas studio located at Fitzhugh & the Katy Trail and wants to offer some free classes to UPPA parents for Back to School!

Also offered: a 10-month unlimited membership at an exclusive rate when you sign up in August or September. See flyer or reach out to Diana Rodgers at for details.